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​Staff introduction

Thank you for visiting the websites of Morimachi, Hokuto Ono, and Nanae Tsuruno Dojo.

I would like to convey and disseminate this wonderful teaching of the Kyokushin hand and spirit that President Oyama has built up.

Responsible person

Junichi Matsumoto

Participation / Born in May 1957   

The instructor

Hajimu Matsumoto

First stage / Born in June 1994  

新極真会函�館道場 指導員 松本創


The NPO Shinkyokushinkai of the World Karatedo Federation continues its activities, inheriting the tradition and will of the late Kyokushinkai, which was founded in 1956 by the late President Mas Oyama.

Based on the philosophy of "excellent heart", we have three activity policies: "youth development," "social contribution," and "international exchange."

Karate professors, domestic and overseas branch activities, bone marrow bank charity activities, blood donation activities, international cooperation team activities, various championships, etc. are all carried out based on that philosophy and activity policy.
A strong heart creates kindness. A gentle heart nurtures strength. We believe that a healthy body has a healthy mind, and we will continue to work toward becoming the strongest and largest karate organization in the world.

                                                                  * From the official website of Shinkyokushinkai

"Dojo kun"

1. We should refine our mind and body and master our unwavering mental skills.

One, we must be sensitive to the essence of Takeshi

1. We should cultivate the spirit of Katsumi with a simple and strong spirit.

1. We respect etiquette, respect our superiors, and refrain from violent behavior.

1. We respect God and Buddha and remember the virtue of humility

1. We must improve our intellect and physical strength and face things.

First, we must complete our lifelong training through the karate path and complete the Kyokushin path.

​                                                                  * From the official website of Shinkyokushinkai

☆ 昇 級 審 査 結 果

大久保 凛桜(北斗大野道場)

​  北斗市大野小学校 4年生

昇級 10級 ​8

​  令和6年9月29日


金丸 靖(森町道場)

​   森町小学校 4年生

昇級 10

​  令和6年9月29日

240927審査10級 金丸 靖

中田 小波(森町道場)

​八雲町落部小学校 4年生

昇級 10

​  令和6年9月29日


佐藤 南海(森町道場)

​八雲町落部小学校 4年生

昇級 10

​  令和6年9月29日

☆ 大 会 結 果
 ・日時 令和6年9月22日(
 ・会場 苫小牧市総合体育館

・松田 悠聖 /写真中央(七飯鶴野道場) 小学3年 初級の部:組手 3位入賞

・大久保 凛音/写真左(北斗大野道場) 小学4年 初級の部:組手  準優勝

・大久保 亘琉/写真右(北斗大野道場) 小学6年 初級の部:型     準優勝

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